Thank you for choosing your gymnastic sessions with Wilmslow Gymnastics Club. We want you to enjoy your time with us so below is some helpful information that we think you may find useful.
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club delivers British Gymnastics BAGA Proficiency Awards. All our sessions are coached by fully qualified British Gymnastics coaches who are supported by an experienced team of helpers and volunteers all of whom are fully insured, DBS checked and have attend a Child Safeguarding course.

We run a progressive scheme, coaching all piece of equipment, Bars, Beam, Floor and Vault. All Wilmslow Gymnastics L2 coaches are qualified to take up to 20 gymnasts however as we are keen to see your child progress through the excellent program here at Wilmslow Gymnastics Club, we aim to deliver lessons with ratios of 1 coach to 8 gymnasts.

In addition to your first invoice payment will be an annual fee for British Gymnastics Insurance which is currently £19. These fees are yearly from October – September, and are to be paid in full not dependent on the month you join i.e... if you join the club in May you will still be liable for the above fees and then will need to pay again in October. These are standard fees set by British Gymnastics. You will be given details on how to pay this online direct to British Gymnastics.

Should your child show a particular talent, they may be selected for additional coaching with the WILMSLOW GYMNASTICS CLUB squad.
We sincerely hope that you and/or your children enjoy your time with us, should at any time you wish to contact us please email our Head Coach,


Gymnasts should wear, Leggings or shorts, T-Shirt or a leotard ( should they wish). Hair should

be tied back and no jewellery worn.

Please bring the following to your first lesson: -
• NON FIZZY drink in a drinks bottle
• A big smile!
On arrival to the centre, please put your outdoor clothes/belongings on your chair /against the wall and please wait until you are called to the Floor for your warm up. All NEW gymnast will be met and introduced to the gym.

Your coach will be expecting you. After the register is taken there will be a ten minute warm- up and gymnasts will be taken by their coach to their first rotation (piece of equipment). Any medical conditions that you/your child may have should have been noted on line prior to your session however should you not have disclosed this information please speak to the Coach on duty who will relay you/your child’s information to the coach taking the session. All information given will be treated confidentially

Especially for our younger gymnasts, the first couple of sessions can be a little daunting however our team and the more experience gymnasts will do all they can to make the younger gymnasts feel at ease, sometimes it can take up to three weeks before a gymnasts begins to really enjoy all the elements of their session, this can sometimes be unsettling for parents, but stick with it as most children settle into the routine very quickly and enjoy the sport of gymnastics and being part of a team for life.
Parents are allowed to watch the first lesson but subsequently will be asked to leave after the warm-up for safety reasons (unless previously agreed with the Head Coach for medical reasons etc.), as children are very easily distracted and can run across the floor to their parents causing an accident.

Our coaches reserve the right to shorten a session for the gymnasts should they feel that a shorter session for a couple of weeks may be in the best interest of the gymnast who is taking time to settle. In this rare instance, we would advise that parents remain in the centre during the sessions, so coaches can ask for parental support if required.

Parent Information

• Gymnasts should be comfortable during their session; we suggest that gymnasts wear Leggings or shorts, T-Shirt, or leotard. No jeans, clothing with zips or hoodies should be worn in the gymnasium as these items are restrictive of movement.
• No mobile phones / DS games or anything with a camera are permitted in gym.

• Coaches are only responsible for gymnasts during their session and parents and/or guardians are responsible at all other times whilst at Wilmslow Leisure Centre.
• Children should be encouraged to use the toilet facilities prior to a session starting. Should a child need to use the bathroom during a session the coach will accompany them to the toilet as per our Child Protection Policy. A member of Wilmslow Gymnastics staff will take the gymnast to the main toilet door and wait for the child outside. A Wilmslow Gymnastics coach will never enter the toilet area with a gymnast. All recreational gymnasts will be expected to toilet themselves.

• Wilmslow Gymnastics Club operates a code of conduct for all gymnasts. Verbal or Physical abuse will not be tolerated. Should an incident occur the coach will speak to the gymnasts involved in the first instance, the second occurrence will result in coaches speaking to the gymnast and parent or guardian and if there is a third occurrence the gymnast will be asked to leave Wilmslow Gymnastics Club. In this instance, no refund of course fees will be given.

• We request that Parents/Guardians refrain from distracting the coaches during a session. If Parents/Guardians wish to discuss their/their child’s session/progress, please email our Head Coach on
• Progression of all gymnasts will be at the judgement of the coach in accordance with the progression within the criteria set by British Gymnastics or the BAGA Proficiency Awards.

• Should you required a change of day or venue please request a transfer using the online booking system

Towards the end of Term

You/your child will be continually assessed throughout the term. Coaches will award BAGA badges based on the gymnast fulfilling the criteria as set by British Gymnastics. On completion of an award, the coach will issue the gymnast with a BAGA Badge Slip. Should a parent/ guardian wish to purchase a BAGA badge for their child, please return the slip with the fee in an envelope and hand to the Head Coach the following week. A presentation of the BAGA Badge/Certificate will take place the week after that.
Approximately three weeks before the term ends you will be sent an invoice for the following term. This invoice will have a link which when clicked will enable you to pay online for the next course. Once the payment has registered you will receive an automated receipt for your

booking. The invoice must be paid prior to the Pay By Date as after this date we will begin to offer places from our large waiting list. Admittance to a session will not be given to any gymnast who has not paid for the course.
You will be able to pay for your next course of lessons online however if this is not an option for you please email our Head Coach.

We are delighted you have chosen to have your gymnastics sessions with Wilmslow Gymnastics Club. Our Coaches take great pride in our profession, and hope you/your child enjoys the sessions as much as we enjoy delivering them!

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club Terms and Conditions

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will place gymnasts on courses at their preferred day and time subject to viability and availability of the course.
It is our policy to endeavour to provide a replacement Coach in the event of any Coach absence. Should a Coach not be found, Wilmslow Gymnastics Club reserves the right to join sessions together if considered appropriate in order to avoid cancelling.

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club reserves the right to replace Coaches if necessary, once the term has started, should this occur course refunds will not be given.
Refunds/Credits will not be given should a gymnast be unable to attend a session.
No Refunds will be given for medical reasons.

Coaches are only responsible for gymnasts during their sessions and parents/guardians are responsible at all other times. The sessions begin when the Coach accepts charge of gymnasts and ends when the sessions finishes after presentation. Gymnasts MUST be collected by a responsible adult, known to Wilmslow Gymnastics Club, and a coach will stand at the door at the end of the session to ensure that no child leaves unaccompanied.

Parents/guardians must be contactable during all times whilst their child/children in in the care of Wilmslow Gymnastics Club.
Parents/Guardians must ensure that they are in the building to collect their child/children prior to the end of the sessions.

Parents/guardians are responsible for their other children not partaking in sessions whilst in the facility, these children must be supervised at all times
No mobile phones, laptops or any other device with a camera, are permitted in the gymnasium.

No photography or filming is permitted during a session.
Parents/guardians must refrain from distracting Coaches during sessions. If parents/guardians want to discuss a gymnast’s progress or any issues please email our Head Coach,
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club is a NUT FREE GYM! If it is necessary to bring food into the gym,please make sure it does not contain nuts.
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club are not responsible or liable for any loss, theft or damage to personal property left within the facility or car park.
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club is not a centre based Club run by Wilmslow Leisure Centre. It is a privately run gymnastics club, run within and facilitated by Wilmslow Leisure Centre. Any information, enquiries, complaints, payments etc., MUST be addressed to Wilmslow Gymnastics Club.etc., and made through Wilmslow Gymnastics Club ONLY.

Accident Procedure

In the event of an accident, a first aider will be called to attend to the injured child, whilst the parents of the child contacted via the emergency contact number provided. Wilmslow Gymnastics Club is facilitated by Wilmslow Leisure Centre and therefore the Centre provide the First Aid facility. Any accident will be recorded by Wilmslow Leisure Centre on an accident form and then kept electronically on record.

Payment and Enrolment

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club sessions must be pre-booked and pre-paid online by the participant/parent to ensure access to the session
This must be done on-line or if you do not have the ability to pay online please email our Head Coach,

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club staff are not permitted to take payments for sessions in cash. Places on courses will be confirmed by email when payment has been made in full.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card.
For new courses gymnasts parent/guardian will be sent an email prior to the end of the existing term and payment will need to be made by the payment date indicated on the invoice to guarantee places on the following course. The invoice will show the allocation of place, price and date of the forthcoming course. Payment will confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Wilmslow Gymnastics Club and reservation of place on the course.

If payment is not received by the pay by date, your allocated place may be lost.

Facility Closure or Cancelled Sessions

In the event of a facility closure Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will make every attempt to contact customers as soon as possible via text, email and or phone
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will also inform parents via social media and on our Web Site.
All parents/guardians are encouraged to supply Wilmslow Gymnastics Club with mobile telephone numbers for quick communication purposes and keep us informed of any changes to them.

In the unusual event of a facility closure, a credit note will be given in lieu for lessons cancelled. Should lessons be cancelled via Wilmslow Leisure Centre, then a refund will not be given .

Covid 19

In the unusual event of the facility being shut down due to Covid-19, 2-3 weeks will not be refunded but any longer period of time will be rolled over to the following term.

Refund Policy

Any refunds issued by Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will be given in the form of a cheque. Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will not issue refunds for missed sessions.
Wilmslow Gymnastics Club will not issue refunds for lessons missed due to holidays.
Refunds for unwanted courses will only be given within 7 working days of making the booking. This will be subject to an administration fee of 15%.

Medical refund requests must be put in writing, Refunds/ credits for medical reasons will be dealt with within 7 days. Medical refund/credit requests must be accompanied by a medical note issues by a medical professional.
Should a refund be authorised, you will be contacted by the Head Coach of Wilmslow Gymnastics Club, who will arrange a cheque to be issued.

Complaints Policy

All complaints are dealt with by a member of Wilmslow Gymnastic’s management team. Coaches are unable to deal with any complaints,
In the unlikely event, you feel the need to complain about our services, please can you put your complaint in writing to
All complaints will be investigated thoroughly and we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 7 days of receipt.

Code of Ethics

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club follows the code of Ethics as set out by British Gymnastics, this can be viewed on the British Gymnastics Website.

Behavioural Policy

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club operates a code of conduct for all gymnasts. Verbal or Physical abuse will not be tolerated. Should a gymnast be excluded from the Gymnastics Club, no refund of course fees will be given.
1st instance of misbehaviour – The coach will speak to the child clearly explaining why they are being reprimanded and why their behaviour is unacceptable. The coach will also make the parent aware after the session.

2nd instance of misbehaviour – The coach will speak to the child clearly explaining why they are being reprimanded. After the session, a member of Wilmslow Gymnastics club management team will ask to see the gymnast and their parent/guardian and discuss the behaviours they have been reprimanded by the coach for. At this point all parties will be informed that this is the final warning.

3rd instance of misbehaviour– The child is asked to leave the Gymnastics Club permanently.

Child Protection Policy

Wilmslow Gymnastics Club takes the safety of children and vulnerable adults very seriously, and follows the guidance provided by British Gymnastics Child Protection and Safeguarding Protocol. All our staff that have direct contact with or access to children and vulnerable adults have a DBS and hold a Safeguarding of Children Certificate. The Club has 2 Welfare Officers as a point of contact and their details can be found on the notice board with details of the British Gymnastics Insurance policy.


Lost Child Policy

In the unlikely event that you lose a child whist in the centre, please alert a member of Wilmslow Leisure Centre staff. In the unlikely event that a child goes missing whilst taking part in a gymnastics session, please alert a member of Wilmslow Gymnastics staff who will then put our Lost Child Procedure into place.

Alison Marques Director/Head Coach.

Frankie Marques Director/WA Head Coach.

acrobatics Gymnastics

Coached by ex Portuguese National squad member, Natacha Goncalves. Any age or capability welcome.

Spaces still available! Get in touch to find out more!


Our Parent and Toddler drop in centre. No need for enrolement, turn up with your toddler and learn alongside our coaches.


If you are unsure about any of our classes then why not give the club a try with one of our fun holiday courses?

The courses are held within the school holidays and are themed.

For more information or to book your place click here.



An Introduction into Gymnastics specifically for ages 4 to 6 years old. What better way to start their gymnastic journey and develop their skills.


Enrole on our most popular classes. 

Recreational gym for all abilities, having fun and keeping active.

Find out more and enquire for availability. Ages 4 to 14 years old.